
Library Sections

Library Sections

Library Profile and Services

The Alupe University College library has a sitting capacity of 300. The library facilities include:

  1. A total stock of approximately 8,000 volumes, inclusive of books, periodicals, and other non-print materials. The stock is divided into general lending materials and specialized research collections. Books in the library system are classified by the Library of Congress Classification Scheme.
  2. The library has subscribed to over 40 electronic information resources provided through Kenya Library and Information Science Consortium (KLISC), Similarity checking software, Open Access resources.
  3. The sections of the library include circulation and reference desks, postgraduate sections, information commons/discussion rooms, information literacy rooms, and technical sections.
  4. The library is fully automated and also Wi-Fi enabled and fitted with electrical/internet fittings accessories for use both at night and day.

AUC Library Services

  1. Circulation: i.e issuing of books, returning, renewals & Reservations
  2. Online Public Access Catalogue
  3. E-Resources: i.e E-journals, E-books, Newspapers, Exam past papers, off-campus access to electronic resources
  4. Reprographic services
  5. Current Awareness Services: i.e Display of books and updates on new information resources.
  6. Institutional Repository.

About the Library

Library Catalogue

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) – The library uses KOHA, an Integrated Library Management System – There are computers designated for students to access the OPAC.


  • Undergraduates can borrow 6 books for 2 weeks.
  • Postgraduates and staff, 10 books for 4 weeks.
  • Books in great demand are placed on short loan collection where they are borrowed for 3 hours only.
  • The short loan lending services are offered at the Circulation Deskand the Education Subject Counter.


Reference and Biographical Services

  • Literature searches
  • Use of electronic and other databases
  • Selective dissemination of information
  • Current awareness
  • Online and off-line database searches
  • Photocopying
  • Book exhibition

An Information Desk is provided for quick queries.


Reading Facilities

Available in most areas of the Library, including a few study carrels for staff and postgraduates.